KOllOK (2022)

Duration20 Episodes
SystemKids on Bikes (hybrid)

Special Sauce

Fans play as The Ascended - the only remaining survivors on Earth.

The microsite was produced as an immersive companion to HyperRPG's community Discord server.

Once viewers create a character in the Discord server, they can then fully unlock their in-universe 'smart' phone.

Using this device, they can collaborate, hack, and uncover KOllOK's darkest of secrets.

The KOllOK Fandom Wiki provides a great synopsis to this incredibly rich gameworld.

Onboarding and Interface

Onboarding and Character Import
Device Unlocked - Default State
Simple Customization Features
Device Application Menu

Messaging Forum

Integrated with Discord Server

Interactive World Map

Full World Map
Browse Player Locations
Character Map Pin

Hacking the Terminal

Main Terminal Interface
Successfully Hacked
I am r007

Other "Utilities"

Messaging Inbox
Phone Dialer